How to Lose 10 Pounds in Just 1 Week

 How to Lose 10 Pounds in Just 1 Week

It is theoretically possible to lose 10 pounds (4.5 kg) every week, but it is not recommended.

Crashing diets are known to be short-term and intensive eating strategies — which means your weight will likely recover once you complete the program. Moreover, these diets are not acceptable because of their restrictive existence if you have a history of food disorders.

These diets therefore are not a long-term, safe or balanced way to go.

Most of the weight you lose is water, rather than body fat with a fast weight loss. That is because you cannot burn body fat in just 1 week safely by 10 pounds (4.5 kg).

Instead, rapid weight loss reduces your insulin content and flushes out stored glucose carbohydrates, which hold about three times your weight in water. Low insulin levels also release excess sodium from your kidneys, resulting in a drop in your water retention.

We recommend that we check these tips or try one of these dietary plans instead of quick weight loss schemes.

Nevertheless, the following steps can help you achieve short-term weight loss. Note that it is not a program or solution that will last for a long time.

1. Eat fewer carbs and more lean proteins

A low carbohydration diet for just a few days can make you lose several pounds.

In fact, many research has shown the high efficiency of a low carb diet in weight loss and health improvement.

A brief reduction in carbon consumption may also reduce weight and blowing of water.

That's why the next morning after starting a dive, people who go down in low carb often notice a difference in scale.

Moreover, it can reduce your appetite further while boosting your metabolism to ensure that you eat plenty of protein.

All starchy carbohydrates and sugars must be eliminated or drastically reduced during the week. Replace these vegetables with low carb, while increasing your consumption of eggs, meats and fish.

See this article for more information on establishing a low carbon diet and which foods are included.

2. Eat whole foods and avoid most processed junk foods

It can be helpful to eat a simple diet based on whole foods if you try to lose weight fast.

These foods are highly filling and it is easier without getting too hungry to eat less calories.

You should mainly eat single ingredients in whole meals during the week. Most highly processed foods should be avoided.

It can be extremely satisfactory even if you are not getting that much calorie, to eat mainly lean proteins and low-carb veggies.

3. Reduce your calorie intake (by following these tips)

Reducing your calorie consumption can be the main factor in weight loss.

You won't lose fat if you don't eat less calories than you consume.
This is a computer that shows how many calories to lose weight you should eat.

Here are some simple tips on reducing the intake of calories:

Count calories: weigh and log your foods. Count your calories. To monitor the amount of calories and nutrients you take, use a calorie metering tool.

Just eat at dinner: Lower all snacks and after dinner do not eat anything.

Seasonings cut off: Remove dense calorie condiments and sauces.

Fill your plate with veggies and limit your starchy carbohydrates and additional fats during the week.
Select sluggish proteins: Select lower-fat proteins like fish and chicken.

Don't drink your calories, choose water, zero calorie drinks, tea or coffee instead. If you count them as meal, protein shakes will be fine.

4. Lift weights and try high-intensity interval training

Training is one of the best ways to burn fat and improve looks.

Resistance training can lead to an equal weight loss as regular aerobic training, like weight lifting. It also helps you add muscle mass and strength or maintain it.

Training to fully resist is also an excellent way to lower the carbohydrate and water weight of your body, which can lead to sharp weight declines.

Lifting the weight of your diet can also protect your metabolism and hormonal levels.
Another highly effective training method is high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Research indicates that HIIT 5–10 minutes can bring similar or increased health and weight loss benefits as five times the regular exercise level.

Like lifting weight, muscle carb blinds can be reduced quickly and other important aspects like your metabolism and your fat burning hormone can be boosted.

After a workout or as part of your regular training scheme you can do HIIT three to four times a week. With a 100% effort or intensity it is very important to do this. Not more than 30 seconds should last for most sprints.

Here you can try some protocols. It can be performed on or off the spot or on a cardio machine as a bike, rower or cable car:

Session 1: 10 x 20-second sprint with 40 seconds rest
Session 2: 15 x 15-second sprint with 30 seconds rest
Session 3: 7 x 30-second sprint with 60 seconds rest
Session 4: 20 x 10-second sprint with 20 seconds rest

5. Be active outside the gym

You can also increase your daily activity by burning extra calories and losing more weight.

In fact, how active you are all day long when you do not practice also plays a very important role in obesity and weight loss.

For example, up to 1000 calories per day can account for the difference between a desk job and a manual work. It is the same as high-intensity training for 90 to 120 minutes.

Simple lifestyle changes like walking or riding a bike to work, taking the stairs and walking outside can help you burn a lot of calories.

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